This is the story of a student named Kalpana, who resides in a village called Mattathukaadu in the hills of Annaikatty. She is a student at ARCC College in Annaikatty; she has been practicing tailoring classes in ARCC for three months. She made masks for her family in these times of mask despondency; her husband is a driver, so she makes the first mask for her husband. When two Nurses came from kottathura Hospital, they saw Kalpana’s husband wearing a mask, they were impressed and they asked Kalpana to make them a mask too, and without hesitating she immediately set out to work and made the two masks. The next day, in the hospital, the nurses and the doctors there saw the masks that were worn by these two nurses, and they gave an order of 30 Masks to Kalpana, Kalpana stitched the masks, when she was out of cloth she bought it at a shop nearby and when it was completed she gave it to the hospitals with a rate of ₹25 per mask. She is now in a Project of 6000 Masks at the rate of Rs.7 per mask, this project was given by the Panchayat of the village of Sholayur. They gave her material and thread for the project.